Ancient Bases of War on Earth by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA)

Alalu told Anu, “Wed our children–my daughter Damkina; your son Enki; I rule and civil war we forestall.”  This deal, some 450,000 years ago, struck by the rivals for Kingship of the planet Nibiru, permeates our unconscious as an assumption of how human relations are structured. The deal pre-supposes unitary planetary rule–a single ruler for …

Tantra Gift of the Gods to Maximize Co-Creation of Existence: Internet Radio with Janet Kira Lessin, Articles too

Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that originates from space. Ancient aliens who colonized the Earth 450,000 years ago bought tantra from the planet Nibiru and practiced tantra to maximize conception and bring into physicality from higher dimensions souls of advanced capabilities in order to advance civilization and culture and maximize chances for their species’ …

STARTREK WASN’T FICTION: RODDENBERRY KNEW by Janet Kira Lessin + youtube with all Startrek theme songs and characters

RODDENBERRY LIVES by Janet Kira Lessin Listen up: click arrow on youtube above My dreams are becoming more vivid as we approach the end of the year and the dawn of a new year, hopefully a year that respects consciousness more than the previous ones. Last night I was on a plane of some strange, …