Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa ? by Preston James

Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa ? by Preston James Occasionally a good rumor is entertaining as well as distracting from the often negative barrage of daily world news which is usually slanted to indicate the demise of populism which is far from true. This article involves a story which I certainly hope …

Benjamin Fulford – Cabal In Surrender Negotiations

Benjamin Fulford – Cabal In Surrender Negotiations -Told to hand over 0 trillion or ,000 for each human on earth – November 18, 2013 Representatives of a committee of 15 individuals, who claim to be in charge of the system for creating and distributing US dollars and most other privately owned central bank currencies, are trying …

JFK, RFK, John Lennon Assasinations

Expert Ole Dammegard on JFK, RFK, John Lennon assassinations Watergate, 9/11: CIA Operation 40 WATCH ON YOU TUBE By Alfred Lambremont WebreVANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging ExopoliticsTV interview on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, author Ole Dammegard discloses how CIA Operation …